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Comparing the Ryan and Obama deficits to Bowles-Simpson

By |Thursday, 22 March 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

It is silly to claim, as President Obama’s team does, that President Obama’s budget is similar to Bowles-Simpson, at least in terms of long term deficit reduction. Bowles-Simpson is a fiscally sustainable long run path while the President’s budget is not.

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How will President Obama respond this year to Chairman Ryan’s lower deficits and debt?

By |Tuesday, 20 March 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s newly released budget poses an identical strategic challenge to the President as last year. I recommend you watch the President carefully this week to see whether and how he responds.

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The Ryan budget proposes lower deficits and less debt than the Obama budget

By |Tuesday, 20 March 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Over each year of the next decade the Ryan budget would result in lower deficits, less debt, and a better long-term debt trend than the President’s budget.

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