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Responding to some of President Obama’s Medicare claims

By |Saturday, 25 August 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

America needs to slow significantly the growth rate of government spending on the major old age entitlements. Language such as that used by President Obama may scare some seniors into voting for him, but it will make needed reforms that much more difficult after the election.

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The campaign politics of the Ryan budget

By |Saturday, 11 August 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

The selection of Paul Ryan is about much more than just fiscal policy. Nevertheless much of the campaign politics over the next three months will be about the budget he proposed and then passed through the House. Here are a few thoughts as campaign attacks on the Ryan budget accelerate.

The policy consequences of “you didn’t build that”

By |Thursday, 26 July 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

“You didn’t build that,” and “You didn’t get there on your own,” and “blessed” and “fortunate” have one thing in common. They deemphasize the idea that success is earned. This makes it easier for President Obama to justify taking more from those who have succeeded.

Lame Ducks & Fiscal Cliffs (part 2): Income tax rates

By |Tuesday, 24 July 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Yesterday’s introductory post to this series gave a broad overview of the fiscal policy debate, listing issues in play at the end of this year, deadlines and timeframes, and three partisan configurations that are worthy of analysis. Today we’ll begin to drill down into the income tax issues.

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