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Rick Santelli liked our paper
Here's CNBC's Rick Santelli interviewing Ed Lazear on our new paper. [gigya src="http://plus.cnbc.com/rssvideosearch/action/player/id/3000197451/code/cnbcplayershare" width="400" height="380" quality="high" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" ]
Observations on the Financial Crisis
For the five year anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, Ed Lazear and I have released a paper titled “Observations on the Financial Crisis,” published through the Hoover Institution. It’s just over 25 pages and [...]
Sorry, Heritage, your number is still wrong
When you estimate the costs of the wrong population, compare it to a fanciful/impossible baseline, and ignore the time value of money, your headline number adds no useful information to the immigration policy debate.
Boasting about a 4.2% deficit?
You’re supposed to boast when things are getting better, not when they’re getting worse more slowly.