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An introduction to the debt limit
This post offers a plain vanilla explanation of the debt limit. This is basic background aimed at fiscal policy novices. I oversimplify in a few places for ease of understanding and push some caveats and [...]
The President’s irrelevant debt limit threat
Late last week President Obama called Speaker Boehner to say that he wouldn't negotiate on the debt limit. This strikes me as an irrelevant threat. As best I can tell, no one was proposing such [...]
Another op-ed
Here's another op-ed from Ed Lazear and me. This one is running on Fox News' site. Bush ended financial crisis before Obama took office -- three important truths about 2008
Ed Lazear and I have an op-ed on POLITICO based on our recent paper. Here's the op-ed: Who really fixed the financial crisis? And here again is the paper: Observations on the Financial Crisis. As [...]